The Adventure Dogs
Wowza looks like you finished! HUGE congratulations, we are so proud and impressed! Can't wait to hear all about it (after I'm sure about 5 days of sleep and ten pizzas!)
Alicia and Mike at 7/28/2018 9:56:46 PM
DC staler at 7/28/2018 9:07:11 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Congratulations Adventure Dogs!! ?? Looks like you made it! Kudos to all of you! ?? Hope you are all in one piece!
Marty (Jason’s mom) ??
at 7/28/2018 7:46:59 PM
DC staler at 7/28/2018 5:28:52 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Love watching your progress! Looks like you’re in the water now. Stay safe & gave fun! You are making memories that will last a lifetime!
Love, Marty (Jason’s mom) ??
at 7/28/2018 3:57:39 PM
Daisy Cutter at 7/28/2018 3:08:38 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Who likes pozole? That's what's cooking here at home! So let's finish this thing and get back to eating real food, shall we? GO ADVENTURE DOGS!!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/28/2018 1:24:38 PM
Joanna and "the village" at 7/28/2018 12:21:40 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Unbelievable great strength and courage keep up the great work can't wait to hear all the stories love Dad
Phil at 7/28/2018 10:51:18 AM
Alicia and Mike at 7/28/2018 10:42:40 AM
The Adventure Dogs
So apparently the way to win a 4-day adventure race is to do it in 3 days? Seems like new math. You guys are the real winners in our book! Go Adventure Dogs!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/28/2018 10:04:48 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Dan and The Adventure Dogs
Keep on trucking and head for the finish line. We are cheering for your team. Way to keep on moving forward! We are so amazed and inspired, so keep moving towards the ocean. Way to crush this race, team
Monica, Scott, Emerson, and Jack at 7/28/2018 8:28:14 AM
The Adventure Dogs
The Adventure Dogs are Internet stars! Your Facebook video is definitely going to go viral. Tell Eddy we say hi!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/28/2018 7:35:29 AM
The Adventure Dogs
The pets wrote you a poem:
Roses are red
We love can and spoon
Adventure is nice
But we really miss you!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/28/2018 7:29:27 AM
Pearl at 7/28/2018 7:07:53 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Good morning Adventure Dogs! Sounds like you had an interesting night. But today is a new day, so wring out those socks and go get it! You guys rock!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/28/2018 6:51:44 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Stay strong, keep calm and carry on Adventure Dogs- we are do proud of you and all racers!!
Joanna and "the village" at 7/27/2018 11:02:26 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Happy kayaking - finally! I'm sure your bikes will appreciate the rest (not to mention your legs). Show 'em how it's done, Adventure Dogs!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/27/2018 7:15:10 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Lookin’ good everyone! Hope you are all well! Love, Marty (Jason’s mom) ??
at 7/27/2018 4:47:44 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Thought for the day: Taking Jess for a 10-mile bike/run will seem SO easy after this! (She's counting on that.) Go Adventure Dogs!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/27/2018 4:27:05 PM
The Adventure Dogs
You guys are flying today - at this rate you'll catch the leaders in no time! Hope your bikes are holding up. :) Go team!!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/27/2018 1:28:06 PM
The Adventure Dogs
You guys are rockin’ it and the middle of the night pancakes looks great!! I’m off to culture vulture in the Berkshires????
Love, Joanna at 7/27/2018 12:14:00 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Great job guys. There is no quit in you. Keep strong and remember to enjoy. You are making lifetime memories...
Phil at 7/27/2018 10:20:51 AM
The Adventure Dogs
It’s the zombie apocalypse! Stay in the woodz!stay in the woods! stay in the auugghhh.....
nobody carves auuugh at 7/27/2018 9:17:11 AM
Sherif Bart at 7/27/2018 9:11:30 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Greetings from yet another less-adventurous dog: Charlie (and Sheila) wish you happy trails today! Enjoy those amazing views!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/27/2018 8:46:26 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Good morning Adventure Dogs! Two days down - double your previous personal best - and you guys are still going strong! Today will be a great day - go team!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/27/2018 6:45:02 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Quick note before we head to bed, you guys are doing AMAZING! Hope you get a bit of rest tonight and are ready to start fresh for some major mileage tomorrow!
Alicia and the west coast crew! at 7/27/2018 12:37:29 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Hi guys! You are ROCKING it!! We are watching your purple dot. Go east for your checkpoint 27/28!
Love, Andy, Sarah and the littles at 7/26/2018 11:48:56 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Just checking your dot after coming home from work, great progress today! You guys are doing great!
Alicia at 7/26/2018 9:39:44 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Uh oh. Jess just realized there's also a team of adventure swans! I don't know what I'll do when she finds out about the Sweaty Sock Gnomes... This race is like a puppy buffet!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/26/2018 9:15:50 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Jess is very interested to learn that there is a team of adventure gooses! She would like to know if you need any help chasing them.
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/26/2018 8:49:53 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Mike-Mike is adventuring around my CT living room and learning how to crawl over and under things. Thinking of you! Good luck and don't bonk your head too much! Ha!
Sally Foster at 7/26/2018 8:08:59 PM
The Adventure Dogs
A mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it's not all full of clocks and bras and tires and junk.
I AM NOT A ROBOT! at 7/26/2018 4:24:16 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Go Dan and the Adventure Dogs!
I bet it smells like WET DOGS out on the trail today. Power through and rejoice in the victories of day 2. We are following your amazing adventure! Stay positive and strong and stay right-side up!!
Monica, Scott, Emerson, and Jack at 7/26/2018 4:18:26 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Amazing job thus far Dogs! I'm tired just watching the dots on the map. Go Dan and team!
Jeff B at 7/26/2018 2:33:41 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Eat em up Adventure Dogs and then get back out on the trail. You're doing great!
David McPherson at 7/26/2018 12:20:33 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Almost to dry land! Though if it's like it is here, that won't mean you're dry! Hang in there! Thinking of and following you!
Love, M/J and P/H at 7/26/2018 12:13:57 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Congratulations paddlers - it's almost pancake time! The team that eats the most pancakes definitely should get extra bonus points. Show everyone how it's done!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/26/2018 11:30:51 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Woohoo! Major dot progress while we were sleeping! Hope you are having a blast, keep going!
Alicia at 7/26/2018 9:53:40 AM
David McPherson at 7/26/2018 9:14:07 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Do it for the Barrel Dogs! Scout and Sydney (and their people) send best wishes. And they hope somebody is giving you lots of treats for being such adventurous dogs!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/26/2018 8:30:03 AM
The Adventure Dogs
We’ll rant and we’ll roar like true Yankee whalermen! We’ll rant and we’ll roar on deck and below. Until we strike soundings in the channel of olde Portsmouth, holy catsnacks tis a long way to row!
Sal.T Dog at 7/26/2018 7:58:45 AM
Sawyer at 7/26/2018 7:57:59 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Good morning Adventure Dogs! Day One is done, and you guys are doing great! Here's to a great Day Two!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/26/2018 7:08:25 AM
David McPherson at 7/26/2018 12:27:24 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Pancake Benny and Link want you to know they just had a good dinner and are thinking of you out in the woods!
The breakfast dogs! at 7/25/2018 11:14:26 PM
Sherman (Amy's Adventure Dog) at 7/25/2018 11:10:16 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Q: What do chemists’ dogs do with their bones? A: They barium!
wakka wakka wakka
DW at 7/25/2018 10:41:53 PM
DW at 7/25/2018 10:36:17 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Just checking in on your progress after removing some dog testicles...thought it went with the theme of your team name! Great job and continued good luck!!
Alicia and Mikey and the west coast pup squad! at 7/25/2018 10:33:47 PM
DW at 7/25/2018 10:27:13 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Night has fallen and we hope you're having a super time crushing it in the dark! Old man Iolo is cheering the dogs from the comfort of his spot on the rug. We are super excited for you so Go Dogs!
Andy, Sarah, Kai, Ayla, and Iolo at 7/25/2018 10:25:55 PM
The Adventure Dogs
You guys are doing really well! Keep up the great work. Have fun on the bikes and Can't wait to see the dogs out in Sea Kayaks. Will be cheering for you the whole way!
David McPherson (Sea Kayak CT) at 7/25/2018 10:19:43 PM
The Adventure Dogs
No squating now. Lick your wounds later. Keep your nose to the ground and finish up so that you can join us on the knife edge on Katahdin.
The other Phil at 7/25/2018 9:09:26 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Kicking ass! Keep at it! The pain will go away. Weather the tough times and know the good times come as you push through. Enjoy the ride.
The Mulligan's at 7/25/2018 8:57:37 PM
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/25/2018 8:09:15 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Have sent 4 messages but not sure they're going through. Bottom line! Hang in there--the downhill is coming--and then paddling and relaxing the legs! Go dogs!
Jeanne at 7/25/2018 7:41:05 PM
The Adventure Dogs
To the monitors!! I have sent 3 messages but none have appeared in the Trail Mail listings. Am I doing something wrong? Email:
Jeanne Ballantine at 7/25/2018 5:39:04 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Just checking in on your progress after removing some dog testicles...thought it went with the theme of your team name! Great job and continued good luck!!
Alicia and Mikey and the west coast pup squad! at 7/25/2018 5:24:37 PM
The Adventure Dogs
YAY- you have made it somewhere! Cheers to another awesome mile. Go dogs!
Joanna Ballantine at 7/25/2018 5:18:37 PM
The Adventure Dogs
You climbed the mountain! (Did you turn around?) Hope it's all downhill from here on!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/25/2018 5:07:34 PM
The Adventure Dogs
To Dan and The Adventure Dogs,
Have a fun expedition, you crazy Dogs! Keep up the good work and stay in good spirits! We can't wait to hear about your adventures.
PS. Eat more snacks and think happy thoughts!!
Monica, Scott, Emerson, Jack Jacobs at 7/25/2018 4:51:03 PM
Marty (Jason’s mom) ?? ?? at 7/25/2018 4:27:42 PM
Phil at 7/25/2018 4:04:30 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Tired yet? Those mountains look HIGH! Enjoying the rain? Easier stuff to come...good luck!
Hardy at 7/25/2018 3:08:26 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Hope you are all doing well! Stay safe & strong!
Go Adventure Dogs ????????!!!
Marty (Jason’s mom) ?? at 7/25/2018 12:55:32 PM
The Adventure Dogs
Looks like you're in the HIGH PEAKS--should level out, so hang in there!
Jeanne and Hardy at 7/25/2018 11:29:31 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Go Adventure Dogs! Just focus on your race, and let the aliens take care of the rest! You can do it!!
Jori, Jess Pest, and Pat the Cat at 7/25/2018 10:24:02 AM
Phil at 7/25/2018 9:59:11 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Crush it, Dawgs! Free beer and milk bones waiting for you back at the pound.
River & Pearl at 7/25/2018 8:56:40 AM
The Adventure Dogs
Dogs are lying around waiting for news. We're lying around watching the dots move. Hang in there and happy trails...
Bear, Shira, J and H at 7/25/2018 7:31:29 AM
Joanna Ballantine at 7/25/2018 5:29:22 AM
DW at 7/23/2018 11:23:57 PM