Midwest Mayhem
jiipdqwceeqr, [url=http://zoomsevtjhop.com/]zoomsevtjhop[/url], [link=http://lcifsriuyriq.com/]lcifsriuyriq[/link], http://hhtikcqpynca.com/
wxvkyk@mrtdlx.com at 10/5/2021 12:19:24 PM
123 at 7/29/2018 12:12:37 PM
Sarah at 7/29/2018 8:36:34 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Whoop, whoop! Congrats, Midwest Mayhem on an amazing race. I am totally in awe of your athleticism and stamina!
Lynne at 7/28/2018 6:22:53 PM
Midwest Mayhem
I see your dot close to the finish, looking for more updates. Go team! Hugs!! YEA!
pwild at 7/28/2018 1:29:01 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Final day. Congrats on your progress. Just watching this makes me tired. :)
-Greg at 7/28/2018 12:49:05 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Sparks, Lili is rooting for you! She's so proud of you and having me tell you that she loves ya!
Minti Inti at 7/28/2018 12:39:29 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Want to see you all make it to the end of the race...want to see you celebrate endurance, teamwork, and not giving up! That has brought you this far. Keep up the good fight to the end. Hugs
Mama Sparks at 7/28/2018 12:05:06 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Midwest Mayhem..You got this Team. You guys are doing amazing!
Inti at 7/28/2018 12:04:06 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Ladies and Gents!! It's time to dig deep. You've got this. Trust your training, support each other and keep on smiling. I'm so proud of you guys, what you are doing is truly awesome and amazing. Keep it up!!
Wonderful Angel at 7/28/2018 10:33:55 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Keep strong to the end magnificent adventure warriors! The final push to the finish is on!
Michelle Lynch at 7/28/2018 10:31:47 AM
pwild at 7/28/2018 10:10:18 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Last push!
Last push!
You are doing great!!
Sending you positive energy and strength your way!
Go Midwest Mayhem!!
Yuki at 7/28/2018 10:02:12 AM
Sarah at 7/28/2018 9:19:10 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Man, the weather just will not cooperate with you guys! But you are weathering all the storms and holding strong! What a great performance!
Joe brown at 7/28/2018 8:09:31 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Slept like a rock and then couldn't find your little icon. Had me worried that the storms in the night ate you up, but I found you at the river ready to paddle. Here's hoping the last day's weather treats you better. Paddle on!
Lynne at 7/28/2018 8:04:44 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Thinking of you and wishing you well all the way from Scotland - you got this!!
Regan at 7/28/2018 7:49:22 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Slept like a rock and then couldn't find your little icon. Had me worried that the storms in the night ate you up, but I found you at the river ready to paddle. Here's hoping the last day's weather treats you better. Paddle on!
Lynne at 7/28/2018 7:03:43 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Last night into this morning had to be horrible for you folks - the storm.It looks like you are at the river. hope you make it off the river before anymore storms come.You are all in my thoughts from the time I get up to bedtime.
Mama Sparks 6:33 a.m. at 7/28/2018 6:34:08 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Three minutes to midnight. Then march( bike or paddle) to the dawn of (hopefully) your last day. Cheering you on and wishing you an inner strength for the dark hours.
Lynne at 7/27/2018 11:59:43 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Go Go Gadget Energy Beam directed towards you. You four are crushing it. Work hard through the night. Closing in on Dover!!! You better be past that when I wake up. :)
-Greg at 7/27/2018 11:12:51 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Brenda, no looking for Granite on Leg 5 that you like better for the kitchen remodel! Stay safe....as you can....in that weather tonight. Starting off "pruned" & ending "pruned". How appropriate!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 11:00:59 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Go Go Gadget Energy Beam directed towards you. You four are crushing it. Work hard through the night. Closing in on Dover!!! You better be past that when I wake up. :)
-Greg at 7/27/2018 11:00:20 PM
pwild at 7/27/2018 10:48:22 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Stay strong tonight; you're moving up in rank and staying so true to that little red line on the map! GREAT navigation skills; no telling that little dot, "No! No! Wrong turn; go back....What were you thinking!" One last night und
Lynne at 7/27/2018 10:34:16 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Truckin' right along with only one more night to make it through. Get going team; you're making me feel awful guilty crawling into a comfy bed??
Lynne at 7/27/2018 10:31:30 PM
Midwest Mayhem
This could be your last night out if you make that 3:00PM cutoff tomorrow! Unless, of course, you'd rather sleep for half a day before doing the final leg. I think I know what Brenda would have to say about that! Keep killin' it M
Joe Brown at 7/27/2018 10:04:33 PM
Midwest Mayhem
I thought you would have tonight staying crazy weather.
Have a safe race tonight!
You are doing fantastic!!!
Keep going!!
Yuki at 7/27/2018 9:47:44 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Keep it up!!! A lot of great progress today thus far. I would say stay dry, but that's not gonna happen. :)
-Greg at 7/27/2018 9:44:28 PM
Midwest Mayhem
OK, this coverage stuff is making me a bit crazy, but it looks like you're still picking them off and moving up!! Go Midwest Mayhem!!
This is a repeat. I forgot to sign the first one.
Joe Brown at 7/27/2018 9:27:57 PM
Midwest Mayhem
OK, this coverage stuff is making me a bit crazy, but it looks like you're still picking them off and moving up! Go Midwest Mayhem!
at 7/27/2018 9:24:43 PM
Midwest Mayhem
OK, this coverage stuff is making me a bit crazy, but it looks like you're still picking them off and moving up! Go Midwest Mayhem!
at 7/27/2018 9:09:17 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Keep going to the finish!
You are doing a great job!
I will be waiting with food and you will get as much sleep as you need.
Go Midwest Mayhem!
You rock!
Yuki at 7/27/2018 6:50:02 PM
Midwest Mayhem
You came long way!
It will be over and eat all you want and sleep all you want.
Just hang in there and keep going to the finish line!
You are doing great awesome job!!
Go Midwest Mayhem!!
Love you all
Yuki at 7/27/2018 6:46:40 PM
Midwest Mayhem
"Sky High, in the Clouds" ....hope you complete this 17mile, Leg 4 before night fall. Wishing you speedy feet, strong legs and light hearts. Keep heading toward the finish line team Midwest Mayhem!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 6:43:18 PM
Midwest Mayhem
"Sky High, in the Clouds" ....hope you complete this 17mile, Leg 4 before night fall. Wishing you speedy feet, strong legs and light hearts. Keep heading toward the finish line team Midwest Mayhem!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 6:43:18 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Looking good Eric, keep on pressing my man. Finish this bad boy out!
Bryan Greaser at 7/27/2018 4:58:56 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Thi guys are doing great! Keep it up... it will be over before you know it. :)
Tony at 7/27/2018 4:56:02 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Cruisin' on the downward side....home before you know it! Brenda, I secured 40lbs of TC tart cherries and promise fresh cherry jam and bread if you drag those teammates across the finish line??The remodel is AMAZING!!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 4:50:44 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Storms are incoming. Stay dry, stay safe and may you become Masters of Mud.
-Greg at 7/27/2018 4:47:43 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Doing great! Enjoy the down hill to come! Keep it up! And don't stop feeding the machine!
pwild at 7/27/2018 3:10:14 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Ya all LOVE adventure. More awaits you. Keep up the great fight! Onward and UPWARD for you! Cheers! I am so fatigued just from watching your pace. I'm gonna take a nap. : )
Barbara aka Richard's mom at 7/27/2018 2:44:23 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Keep pushing. You four are doing great.
Recommendation: Make Richard carry everything. :)
-Greg at 7/27/2018 1:48:40 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Well, you're past the halfway mark and still going strong! Saw the pic on Piper Mtn. Looking good!
Brenda, so proud of you, Sweets! You were worried about your training, but it's like I said: "You always bring it on game day!"
at 7/27/2018 1:36:51 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Gorgeous day for race.
You are doing great.
I shared pictures with yourf un club.
Keep up a great work and stay strong!!
Yuki at 7/27/2018 1:07:29 PM
Midwest Mayhem
We're rooting for you guys to complete the whole course. Great job. Keep racing!
Team Disoriented at 7/27/2018 12:59:03 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Another day, another day of complete awesomeness! Go Midwest Mayhem!!
Todd at 7/27/2018 11:40:47 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Sending you good vibes today. Don't laugh but I pulled a medicine card for you this morning. It was Buffalo! The time to recognize the sacredness of every walk. Through the pain honor the serenity. It will uplift you! Good luck.
Deb Kern at 7/27/2018 10:06:34 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Barbara, Brenda, Eric and Richard - you guys are so amazing! I can't even imagine how tough these legs are that you are accomplishing. Keep working together and supporting each other. You CAN do it! I hope you got some pancakes :D
XOXO, Angel at 7/27/2018 9:11:36 AM
Midwest Mayhem
You made cut off time!
You are awesome!!
Have a great race today!
Go Midwest Mayhem!
Yuki at 7/27/2018 8:32:47 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Movin' on up!!
You guys are doing awesome!
Stay strong!
Joe Brown at 7/27/2018 8:07:34 AM
Sarah at 7/27/2018 7:56:45 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Keep on Trekking. We are watching from Woodville with great glee and anticipation for all of you.
-Greg at 7/27/2018 7:48:38 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Its friday morning, dot watching. you guys are doing great!
pwild at 7/27/2018 7:46:33 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Richard, when we first met you sent me a picture from the back of a firetruck as you watched your home burn down. You asked me if I had a marshmallow. Every gangster in the history of the world wishes they were as badass as you.
Kasey at 7/27/2018 6:12:12 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Still dark, but the birds are beginning their morning chirps here in Michigan. Poured last night, but we were warm and dry unlike your first race day. Hope today's weather is good for day 3. So excited to continue to follow those
Lynne at 7/27/2018 5:49:56 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Wow, they finally got the leaderboard updated! 32 checkpoints down. Those little icons look SO AMAZING! March on!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 4:40:44 AM
Midwest Mayhem
The dawn and 48 hour mark approaches, and so does the next checkpoint. Keep moving Midwest Mayhem. You can't do this!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 4:35:53 AM
Midwest Mayhem
1:30 a.m., eyes are open and on that little white map icon indicating Midwest Mayhem is still on the go. Keep making tracks and moving through the night. Morning is coming and so is Day 3. Hang tough!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 4:33:37 AM
Midwest Mayhem
1:30 a.m., eyes are open and on that little white map icon indicating Midwest Mayhem is still on the go. Keep making tracks and moving through the night. Morning is coming and so is Day 3. Hang tough!
Lynne at 7/27/2018 1:32:11 AM
Midwest Mayhem
12:43 Still watching. I guess you are seeing Mother Nature in all of her glory. Just hoping my pig heart valve does not give out on me because of the excitement of following all of you. lol Hugs Onward and UPWARD!
Barbara S. MJ Milky at 7/27/2018 12:47:27 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Stay safe and I hope you can stay dry tonight!
Go Midwest Mayhem!
Yuki at 7/26/2018 11:36:30 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Richard, Eric, Barbara and Brenda. You are all amazing and strong!
You are doing great!
Your fun club is sending you prayer for safety and good positive energy!
We are so proud of you!
Yuki at 7/26/2018 11:33:40 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Almost done with this bike, now crush this trek as you've been crushing the rest of the course!
JC at 7/26/2018 11:17:34 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Hope the night is good to you and Mama Nature behaves herself.
Maybe that first sleep toward daybreak? You sure have earned it!
Go Midwest Mayhem!!
Joe Brown at 7/26/2018 10:54:29 PM
Midwest Mayhem
I've just closed my eyes again
Climbed aboard the dream weaver train
Driver take away my worries of today
And leave tomorrow behind
Ooh dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh dream weaver
I believe we c
Lynne getting you on through the night! at 7/26/2018 10:38:52 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Richard, when we first met you sent me a picture from the back of a firetruck as you watched your home burn down. You asked me if I had a marshmallow. Every gangster in the history of the world wishes they were as badass as you.
Kasey at 7/26/2018 10:25:48 PM
Midwest Mayhem
I've just closed my eyes again
Climbed aboard the dream weaver train
Driver take away my worries of today
And leave tomorrow behind
Ooh dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh dream weaver
I believe we c
Lynne getting you on through the night! at 7/26/2018 10:22:07 PM
Midwest Mayhem
You all are AMAZING! I am enjoying watching your progress on the tracker! Sending love, light, and energy your way. :) Stay safe and have fun!
Michelle Lynch at 7/26/2018 9:55:01 PM
Midwest Mayhem
The leaderboard is not being updated in any useful fashion and short-coursed teams are confusing the map, so I'll just keep sending "Go Team!!" messages and make what sense I can of things. One thing I do know:
You are killin' it
Joe Brown at 7/26/2018 9:53:49 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Today’s weather was crazy but doesn’t matter you are all so strong!
You always get back on the right track.
You rock Midwest Mayhem!!
Keep going!!
Yuki at 7/26/2018 9:51:57 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Darkness falls and as you move into the second night....take a deep brearh or two and enjoy the night stars and bright moon. Hoping those moon beams brighten your way and fill you with energy to get to dawn. Keep Rockin' team Midw
Lynne at 7/26/2018 9:37:08 PM
Margo and the Adventure Enablers at 7/26/2018 8:51:38 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Take some pancakes to go! Keep going team, your doing great! Steady pace :)
pwild at 7/26/2018 6:50:42 PM
Midwest Mayhem
How are those pancakes?!
Get yourselves fueled up and keep rockin'! You're doing great!!
Joe Brown at 7/26/2018 6:10:03 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Keep going Midwest Mayhem!!
You are doing awesome job!
I will be waiting for you all at the finish line with pizza!
Yuki at 7/26/2018 5:01:34 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Race map has you in 13th place! Whoo Hoo! You are ROCKIN' it! Keep it coming now, don't stop it now, don't stop it now....A little tune to keep the brain working.....better than Tip Toe Through The Tulips!
Lynne at 7/26/2018 4:26:52 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Leadership board doesn't seem to be working;however, I can still see you're breathing by the live map icon. Hard to tell what leg you're on, so just keep running, paddling and biking on course! Go team, go!
Lynne at 7/26/2018 4:17:11 PM
Inti at 7/26/2018 4:03:49 PM
Midwest Mayhem
You are doing great!
Just keep up Midwest Mayhem!
Richard, Susie said she is so proud to know you!
I’m receiving so many good wishes from everyone!
Love you
Yuki Mack at 7/26/2018 4:02:07 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Next target - Chaos Machine.
In Rob Schneider voice....
"You can do it"
-Greg at 7/26/2018 3:49:59 PM
Midwest Mayhem
You guys are moving so well! Wow! DarthVaderMostImpressive.jpg
at 7/26/2018 3:03:14 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Way to go Midwest Mayhem...awesome job...keep the smiles, you are killing it!
Todd at 7/26/2018 2:49:17 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Still watching you while I'm at work in my boring cube, you're doing awesome. USA! USA! USA!
Steve at 7/26/2018 2:10:53 PM
-Greg at 7/26/2018 1:16:47 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Go - Go - Go!!!
So exciting watching all of you progress!
-Greg at 7/26/2018 1:14:49 PM
pwild at 7/26/2018 12:57:49 PM
Midwest Mayhem
So proud of you!
Go go Richard and Eric, Barbara and Brenda!
Midwest Mayhem is kicking!
You can do this!
Yuki at 7/26/2018 11:09:29 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Whoop! Whoop! You guys keep movin' on up!!! It's so awesome to see your progress. Keep on truckin'! You guys are doing so great! Don't let the rain bum you out, you can do it!!
From one of your biggest fans, Angel at 7/26/2018 11:00:03 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Bike faster, bike faster!!!
The ride looks frickin' sweet. Keep up the great work.
Watch out for the rain coming your way!
-Greg at 7/26/2018 10:22:01 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Bike faster, bike faster!!!
The ride looks frickin' sweet. Keep up the great work.
Watch out for the rain coming your way!
-Greg at 7/26/2018 10:05:22 AM
Midwest Mayhem
You made up a ton of time and ground last night. Way to go. Best of luck!!
Deb Kern at 7/26/2018 9:39:36 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Nothing can stop you. You are doing great. You are awesome.
Sarah at 7/26/2018 9:38:43 AM
Midwest Mayhem
You are always right on truck keep up awesome job!!
Thunderstorms can’t stop you!!
Go Midwest Mayhem!
Love you
Signed by Yuki at 7/26/2018 9:22:52 AM
Midwest Mayhem
You are always right on truck keep up awesome job!!
Thunderstorms can’t stop you!!
Go Midwest Mayhem!
Love you
Yuki at 7/26/2018 9:14:29 AM
JC at 7/26/2018 9:10:53 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Day one under your belts and you are looking rock solid! So proud of your performance so far. Keep at it!
Joe Brown at 7/26/2018 8:49:52 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Way to keep your head in the map, push on guys! Lots of people cheering for you! Get it!
pwild at 7/26/2018 8:38:21 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Every time I check the map, you guys are right on the red line! Great navigating team Midwest Mayhem!
Lynne at 7/26/2018 8:25:53 AM
Midwest Mayhem
I wish you had better weather but you are doing awesome job!!
We are constantly watching you on the track map and cheering for you!
Go Midwest Mayhem!!
We love you
Yuki Mack at 7/26/2018 8:14:23 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Dig deep! Everything you need is already in you. YOU GOT THIS!
Kasey at 7/26/2018 8:14:00 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Every time I check the map, you guys are right on the red line! Great navigating team Midwest Mayhem!
Lynne at 7/26/2018 8:03:32 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Every time I check the map, you guys are right on the red line! Great navigating team Midwest Mayhem!
Lynne at 7/26/2018 7:29:44 AM
Midwest Mayhem
As the sky brightens on day 2, hydrate or die, eat or bonk, and paddle hard, team Midwest Mayhem, paddle hard....hey that sounds like the name of a good brewing company! Let the feet rest a bit and get those arms working! Stay str
Lynne at 7/26/2018 7:21:58 AM
Midwest Mayhem
6:18 a.m. Over hill, over dale they have met the dusty trail and -Mayhem keeps rolling along CHEERS Forward and UPWAORD. Hugs for all
Barbara S. MJ Milky at 7/26/2018 6:21:28 AM
Midwest Mayhem
As the sky brightens on day 2, hydrate or die, eat or bonk, and paddle hard, team Midwest Mayhem, paddle hard....hey that sounds like the name of a good brewing company! Let the feet rest a bit and get those arms working! Stay str
Lynne at 7/26/2018 6:07:22 AM
Midwest Mayhem
2a.m. pee break (for me) and
race check. Love watching those little dots move and still seeing you on course. Go team Midwest Mayhem! The night is disappearing and the sunrise is coming. Hang in there.
Lynne at 7/26/2018 2:25:33 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Only a half hour to the witching hour when all things magical happen! Go team Midwest Mayhem. You almost have day one in the bag. Keep those ?? open tonight!
Lynne at 7/25/2018 11:32:28 PM
Midwest Mayhem
It’s dark, you’re tired... time to grind thru the darkness! You’ve found your pain cave, sit in it and get thru the night. You’re stronger than you think. Breathe and Conserve energy.
Greg Skiver (Sky Ver) at 7/25/2018 11:31:56 PM
Midwest Mayhem
And deep into the night we go.
You guys are doing awesome!
Keep it up!
at 7/25/2018 11:09:27 PM
Midwest Mayhem
On to the 31 miles of biking under a gorgeous full moon. Sitting outside thinking of you and hoping that moon brightens your night. Pedal and paddle on Midwest Mayhem! You can get through this night!
Lynne at 7/25/2018 10:41:16 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Go get 'em, -Mayhem
Go get 'em, - Mayhem
Onward and UPWARD!
Hugs, Richard's mom
Barbara S. MJ Milky at 7/25/2018 10:00:31 PM
JFC & HJC at 7/25/2018 9:34:52 PM
Midwest Mayhem
You're rockin' it, Guys and Gals!!
Keep up the good work!
Joe Brown at 7/25/2018 9:08:07 PM
Midwest Mayhem
You have done everything you could to be at your best.
What is left to do is to allow yourself to succeed.
By taking a conscious moment to allow yourself to succeed, your mind becomes impermeable to any discouraging thoughts.
Sandrine Charbonneau at 7/25/2018 8:47:36 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Barbara you’re the best kinda hot mess. Richard this is no time for yoga. Eric I assume you look very dreamy. Brenda remember this this is just ski training.
Keep it going team!
Your favorite Steve at 7/25/2018 7:45:13 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Go, Mayhem, Go! Excited to see the move in standings! Nothing like watching dots on a map ??
Lynne, Bill, Shelley & Ken at 7/25/2018 5:42:12 PM
Midwest Mayhem
In the mountains and huffing and puffing I am sure. Keep going - one foot after another. Soon you will be on the downside. Not getting much work done. Don't want to stop watching your progress.
Barbara S. MJ Milky at 7/25/2018 4:02:05 PM
Sarah at 7/25/2018 3:52:59 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Barbara, we are so excited that your dream is becoming a reality. We have been awed and humbled by the passion and the commitment you have exhibited getting ready. Enjoy your experience! btw...you have awesome team mates!
Todd and Simon at 7/25/2018 3:31:22 PM
JC at 7/25/2018 3:05:28 PM
SateHouse Center at 7/25/2018 2:59:39 PM
Midwest Mayhem
One of the requirements for Great Lakes Relay is to be KPU.... Kind, Patient, and Understanding. Don't forget that your teammates are your friends, you will love and hate them at the same time, and that's ok. Now... Group hug!!!!
Stay KPU, Angel at 7/25/2018 2:19:05 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Barbara - You are my hero! I can only hope to someday be a percentage of how amazing, courageous, fit and fabulous you are! Don't let those eye-candy boys on your team push you around, you are the boss Ms. Captain!
From your Wonderful Angel XOXOXOX at 7/25/2018 2:16:04 PM
Midwest Mayhem
What an amazing endeavor. Keep running, stay on course, fuel and have fun! Oh and make sure you're going in the right direction!
Lynne Gellerman at 7/25/2018 2:14:22 PM
?? Bill Houser at 7/25/2018 2:12:55 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Hey Midwest Mayhem!! I'm so excited for all of you. Keep on keepin' on! Don't stop! You can do it! Remember to enjoy the beauty around you and the reason you are there! #beastmode #fragileflowers #findthatmoose #getitdone
From one of your biggest fans, Angel at 7/25/2018 2:11:47 PM
Midwest Mayhem
In the mountains and huffing and puffing I am sure. Keep going - one foot after another. Soon you will be on the downside. Not getting much work done. Don't want to stop watching your progress.
Barbara S. MJ Milky at 7/25/2018 1:45:05 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Richard Collard Greens, you got this! So proud of you my friend!
Inti Minti Fresh at 7/25/2018 1:34:19 PM
pwild, Lupine at 7/25/2018 1:15:05 PM
Midwest Mayhem
The adventure is underway at Last! Weather looks good so far.
Go, Midwest Mayhem!
at 7/25/2018 11:44:20 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Rooting for you from afar (Michigan). It is exciting to spiritually be a part of your team. Wishing you safety and speed.
Barbara S. MJ Milky at 7/25/2018 10:55:10 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Hope the team is keeping your mule fully loaded. Good luck to all and don't eat too many pancakes.
-Greg at 7/25/2018 9:30:38 AM
JC at 7/25/2018 6:56:29 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Richard: Take it one step, one pedal, or one paddle at a time. Dont look back, & keep moving forward until the finish line. I believe in you! Stay focused. Stay determined. Don’t give up. You can do this, 'cause you are a BAD ASS!
Much Love- Kimberly M. at 7/25/2018 2:06:26 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Richard! Surely you’re doing great out there and having an awesome time! We’re so proud of you and can’t wait to hear all about it soon!
Joe & Darian at 7/25/2018 12:40:54 AM
#1 sag girl at 7/24/2018 6:42:41 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Race smart and have fun! Also, try not to overload the mule with all the gear.
Tony at 7/24/2018 4:08:40 PM
PWILD, Lupine at 7/23/2018 9:17:59 PM
PWILD, Lupine at 7/23/2018 7:09:38 PM
Midwest Mayhem
Love & support to Brenda Carlson-Brown, from your other half. You can do this!
Joe Brown at 7/23/2018 11:09:26 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Go get em, team! I'll be with ya in spirit, and watching your dot. You've got this!
Joe Brown at 7/23/2018 11:06:28 AM
Midwest Mayhem
The pain & the hunger is only temporary. Thru the paddle, run and bike you’re going to hurt but you bury that hurt and harvest up the strength. The training was the tough part this is the cherry on top. Breathe, Team... just Breat
Skiver (sky ver) at 7/23/2018 6:53:54 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Team M2
Trust each other, push each other and lean on each other. You WILL complete this and you WILL learn how to push your mind and bodies to new limits. You are a lot of things but today you are champions. Push Thru your pain
Supporting you is Crossfit TIG: Greg Skiver at 7/23/2018 6:48:00 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Keep up he hard work Dicky Sparks! Congrats on being the Mule. You have always been as ass! Best of luck buddy!
Tony T Bone Herrington at 7/23/2018 1:13:49 AM
#1 Fangirl Kasey at 7/22/2018 12:08:08 PM
#1 Fangirl Kasey at 7/22/2018 11:40:50 AM
#1 SAG GIRL at 7/22/2018 9:50:05 AM
Midwest Mayhem
Cant wait to follow along! You will love it! PWild(Lupine)
PWild (Lupine) at 7/6/2018 10:04:28 AM