Pain Syndicate
tgznjieuqtwr, [url=]okqtysxyvdid[/url], [link=]wuxhzjhpudbz[/link], at 10/5/2021 12:19:31 PM
Pain Syndicate
You guys are amazing!! We are routing for you. You've got this.
Your Big sister by marriage!! at 7/28/2018 9:54:52 PM
Laurie at 7/28/2018 4:58:27 PM
Pain Syndicate
Awesome achievement, enjoy the success and your accomplishments!!! Rest up now
Jen Pandoli at 7/28/2018 4:29:20 PM
Pain Syndicate
Holy Cow, you three are amazing!!!!! Hope you are all still smiling and the hallucinations are getting more interesting!!!
Woooooo Hoooooo!
Jane at 7/28/2018 1:21:33 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hi Auntie Tricia! You’re almost done! Love and miss you! See you soon!
Brooke Carlson at 7/28/2018 10:56:06 AM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Lar, Looks like you are going to finally put all that kayaking you did in NC to use;)
Love, Phil, Beth and Madda at 7/28/2018 8:02:33 AM
Pain Syndicate
T, Darrell just said "jesus christ they are still going, better them than me". Read it the the "Darrell voice". Seriously, he is tracking you too and comments about your toughness.
Jen Pandoli at 7/28/2018 8:00:59 AM
Pain Syndicate
Good morning racers, what an amazing moon you had illuminating your paddle section. Home stretch day! Keep your spirits high and moving forward.
Jen Pandoli at 7/28/2018 7:54:36 AM
Pain Syndicate
Rooting for you guys!!! Good luck and have a blast! Hope your last paddle leg went well!
Sue Lackman at 7/28/2018 7:40:04 AM
Pain Syndicate
Good morning Sunshines! You are rocking this! Just one more day of serious mental fortitude and muscle memory. Time for some word games! You've come so far... just a bit to go... You are all so strong!
Jane at 7/28/2018 6:12:34 AM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Larry,
Great day with your family in CT. In your absence they have been teasing me non stop which I know you’d love. Remember it is just over that next hill. I loved seeing your smiley face today! Keep it up!
Love, Nuggs at 7/27/2018 10:27:22 PM
Espo at 7/27/2018 9:08:31 PM
Pain Syndicate
I gave my love a cherry that had no stone. I gave my love a chicken that had no bone. I gave my love story that had no end.
Love ya, Laurie at 7/27/2018 9:08:13 PM
Cody the man at 7/27/2018 8:09:08 PM
Pain Syndicate
Keep pushing! You are doing amazing....finish strong and stay focused!
Darcy at 7/27/2018 5:23:45 PM
Winkel at 7/27/2018 5:13:33 PM
Pain Syndicate
You guys are amazing!! We are routing for you. You've got this.
Your Big sister by marriage!! at 7/27/2018 4:55:22 PM
Pain Syndicate
YAAAAS! Another CP on the leaderboard. Keep up the awesome effort. So much of the course is already behind you... you've got this!!!!
Jane at 7/27/2018 4:10:57 PM
Pain Syndicate
Let's go Pain Syndicate. You're almost there. Just a little push. You're all doing fine. Think of how good the shower will feel when you're finished!
Love, Uncle Tom at 7/27/2018 3:15:19 PM
Love, Phil, Beth and Madda at 7/27/2018 2:44:51 PM
Pain Syndicate
T, Iron Butt award for sure with all of the biking! Hopefully you will not be biked out to Old Lady rail trail with me! Keep smiling. Paddling time...woot!
Jen Pandoli at 7/27/2018 2:32:19 PM
Sammi at 7/27/2018 1:48:11 PM
Love, Sammi at 7/27/2018 1:45:44 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Team! I feel like you are just hanging out by the camera guy. You have tons of great pictures. I am in awe and routing for team #41. Ps Matt next time remember to smile at the camera guy:)
The Blonde at 7/27/2018 11:31:22 AM
Emily T at 7/27/2018 11:18:59 AM
Pain Syndicate
T - get out of the candy store and get back on the trail!!!!
Jane (your favorite PITA) at 7/27/2018 10:39:58 AM
Pain Syndicate
My trek disciplines include subway nav at rush-hour & Penn Station Zombie weaving. Aren't you happy you are in the woods? Penn station madness may make a nature girl of me yet. Keep moving Matt, Larry + Trish! You are so inpsiri
Nuggs at 7/27/2018 9:32:12 AM
Windy at 7/27/2018 8:39:14 AM
Love, Phil, Beth and Madda at 7/27/2018 8:35:42 AM
Pain Syndicate
Good morning racers! Enjoy the sunshine day 3 brings you. Extraordinary perseverance.
Jen Pandoli at 7/27/2018 6:56:43 AM
Pain Syndicate
Impressive job Pain Syndicate! You are knocking it out of the park. One foot in front of the other...YOU GOT THIS!
Tee's Sis at 7/27/2018 6:37:24 AM
Pain Syndicate
T, Matt and Larry - y'all are killing it! Relentless forward progress and you are getting closer with every step, pedal and paddle! Don't get lost!!!
Jane at 7/27/2018 5:28:25 AM
Pain Syndicate
Truth be told I’ve been watching a ton of Bravo! So don’t worry you haven’t missed much! Also you are famous in the episode 2 video. Maybe you’ll be on bravo one day! Love you Larry! Thinking about you all day!
Your quack and duck! at 7/27/2018 12:10:53 AM
Pain Syndicate
On our way home we are getting ice cream from Kimball farms, so just think of all the ice cream you can eat
Sammi at 7/26/2018 11:46:45 PM
Pain Syndicate
Keep going, Matt. You're almost there. I have been trying to keep up but... you're amazing!
Love, Uncle Tom at 7/26/2018 11:22:43 PM
Pain Syndicate
Keep moving! One step at a time! Can't wait to see you!
A at 7/26/2018 8:36:44 PM
Love, Sammi at 7/26/2018 8:15:13 PM
Pain Syndicate
Get ready to AR Shuffle not to be confused with the Super Bowl Shuffle. Sing it! "We're not here to start no trouble. We're just here to do the AR Shuffle"
Keep on, keepin' on
Jen Pandoli at 7/26/2018 6:33:34 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Von Awesome - Checking in to find a green bicyclist on the Leaderboard! -That is pretty awesome:)
Beth at 7/26/2018 5:34:40 PM
Pain Syndicate
Larry et al, Way to go! Remember "You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction." - George Horace Lorimer
#RestWell. #Peserverance
Desiree at 7/26/2018 5:30:48 PM
Pain Syndicate
Way to go team! You're really crushing it! Hopefully you aren't in too much pain already, but if you are PUSH THROUGH!
Shayna at 7/26/2018 4:27:55 PM
Laurie at 7/26/2018 4:20:30 PM
Pain Syndicate
GO LARE BEAR! And hurry back so I can get your dumpling recipe
Sara Elsayd at 7/26/2018 4:11:30 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Von Awesome - Checking in to find a green bicyclist on the Leaderboard! -That is pretty awesome:)
Beth at 7/26/2018 3:33:39 PM
Alli Grabell at 7/26/2018 3:19:56 PM
Lil Rica at 7/26/2018 3:19:23 PM
Pain Syndicate
Y'all are crazy and oh so amazing!! Continue to kick some butt and we'll see you soon! Go Larry & team!!
Tiffani M. at 7/26/2018 3:04:38 PM
Pain Syndicate
You are doing great! Still on the Pro Course, that is awesome. "Hey Larry, how does my back look"?
Peetox at 7/26/2018 2:55:23 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Von Awesome - Checking in to find a green bicyclist on the Leaderboard! -That is pretty awesome:)
Beth at 7/26/2018 2:42:08 PM
Pain Syndicate
Team PS your killing it!!! Dig deep and keep going forward!! You all got this!!! Tric super proud of you girl!!
Brenda Vail at 7/26/2018 2:41:19 PM
Pain Syndicate
You are doing awesome! Keep going Pain Syndicate! Go Team!
Love, Phil, Beth and Madda at 7/26/2018 2:35:59 PM
Pain Syndicate
Larry, It's super quiet in the office without you, and we hate it! I hope that you're out there kicking ass (and not getting your ass kicked :))! We are all rooting for you and your team - hang in there and enjoy!!!
Kelsey at 7/26/2018 2:25:20 PM
Michelle Daniels at 7/26/2018 12:57:54 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Team...I'm here with wifey and she showed me exactly how to communicate. I'm so proud of you guys!!!! I wish you the best on the 2nd day of this wonderful, crazy journey of a race :-) Will check in tomorrow.
BIG L - Lynette Rushmore at 7/26/2018 11:41:57 AM
Casey at 7/26/2018 11:14:28 AM
Jen Pandoli at 7/26/2018 10:25:38 AM
Pain Syndicate
Hey T! Pedal, Pedal, Pedal, Pedal! You three are doing great - keep fueling smart... and save the Hot Mess for me!!!
Jane at 7/26/2018 10:13:01 AM
AHall at 7/26/2018 9:03:12 AM
Pain Syndicate
You are doing awesome! Keep going Pain Syndicate! Go Team!
Love, Phil, Beth and Madda at 7/26/2018 8:49:51 AM
Pain Syndicate
Just remember the agony of me destroying you in pong. That makes this like taking candy from a bald headed gin swigging baby. Good luck team! Fuck those woods up!
Pong Syndicate at 7/26/2018 5:56:32 AM
Pain Syndicate
You guys are awesome! In looking at the treking course on line that looked like you were going straight up the mountain with little switch backs. The inter web is loving the action shots of your red dot on the map! I love you!
Your Duck at 7/26/2018 5:54:36 AM
Pain Syndicate
"Here's mud in your eye" to bring good cheer and good fortune. Hardcore pedaling through the rain. Keep it up daylight is coming soon
Jen Pandoli at 7/26/2018 4:52:22 AM
Pain Syndicate
We are watching you live via satellite. Larry- for god sakes, pull up your pants! Go get em, Pain Syndicate, you’re doing great! Love Katherine and Dave. PS: this message will self destruct and give you gin.
Katherine and Dave at 7/26/2018 12:06:12 AM
Windy at 7/25/2018 10:48:42 PM
Pain Syndicate
We are watching and cheering for you! You can Pain Syndicate!
Love Laurie, Darren and the boys at 7/25/2018 10:33:17 PM
Pain Syndicate
Go go go Pain Syndicate!!! You got this...Tricia you trained for this in Switzerland ???? lol!!! It’s just a little rain, but the views are outstanding hahaha!!!
Love ya! Kerri and Ben at 7/25/2018 9:34:44 PM
Pain Syndicate
T, Matt and Larry - If you haven't resorted to "I'm going on a picnic" yet, you're doing just fine! Go kick some more butt! You've got this!
Jane at 7/25/2018 9:15:30 PM
Matt Prelli at 7/25/2018 9:14:29 PM
Pain Syndicate
We've been watching you all evening. Your tracking map is on the big screen at Galler's. You're doing great. Our loudest cheers and biggest hurrahs are sent your way.
Love Mom & Dad at 7/25/2018 8:26:13 PM
Pain Syndicate
We've been watching you all evening. Your tracking map is on the big screen at Galler's. You're doing great. Our loudest cheers and biggest hurrahs are sent your way.
Love Mom & Dad at 7/25/2018 8:22:30 PM
Pain Syndicate
Brother Curran, we need you on that WAll, climbing that wall, paddling that river get MOVING!!!!
Espo at 7/25/2018 8:01:37 PM
Pain Syndicate
Stay strong Larry and the rest of the Syndicate! Lots of cheering from Minnesota!
Mr. Are at 7/25/2018 7:49:36 PM
Pain Syndicate
Congratulations! You've made up a lot of time and are now 20th in place. Go team and keep up the pace!
Unclew Tom at 7/25/2018 5:57:23 PM
Pain Syndicate
Wishing you all a great race and fantastic time! Stay safe and healthy!
Dana and Barry Martina at 7/25/2018 4:57:48 PM
Pain Syndicate
Checking in-Fun to see your little dot move along the trail:)You've made impressive progress! Keep it up!
Beth at 7/25/2018 4:42:41 PM
Laurie at 7/25/2018 4:08:48 PM
Pain Syndicate
Some days you have to create your own sunshine. Pedal, pedal, pedal!
Jen Pandoli at 7/25/2018 3:35:15 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Larry!
I’ve been fielding many questions from the legion of Pain Syndicate fans. I am so excited to hear about your adventures. I am in awe of what you are doing & have been doing to get to where you are! I love you!
Nugget Duck Bone Prosciutto Mongolian at 7/25/2018 2:00:54 PM
Laurie at 7/25/2018 10:38:26 AM
Pain Syndicate
Does the Pain Syndicate team finish this race with ease?
Larry: "Does a one legged duck swim in a circle?"
Winkel at 7/25/2018 10:26:54 AM
Pain Syndicate
Go Pain Syndicate! No pain -no syndicate;) You are doing it!
Love, Phil, Beth and Madda at 7/25/2018 8:20:17 AM
Char at 7/25/2018 8:02:07 AM
Danae at 7/25/2018 7:01:29 AM
Pain Syndicate
No "shortcuts" T! One foot in front of the other, woot!
Jen Pandoli at 7/25/2018 6:34:27 AM
Pain Syndicate
Hey Matt! It's almost midnight Tuesday and here's no progress report yet. Hope all is going well. Don't sweat it! Proud of you!
Uncle Tom at 7/24/2018 11:52:46 PM
Pain Syndicate
Tricia and team - good luckCan't wait to follow along!!!
Laurie at 7/24/2018 9:10:38 PM
Pain Syndicate
Hi Trish and team! Wishing you a great adventure!!!Following you and sending orienting vibes! go go go! Jennifer
at 7/24/2018 7:03:47 AM
Pain Syndicate
Go Trish and Pain Syndicate!!! Have a blast and be safe. I'll be tracking you and cheering for you form afar!!!
Darcy at 7/23/2018 10:08:11 PM
Jennifer Shue at 7/23/2018 4:19:17 PM